Church and Science
History is full of instances of the church opposed to scientific discoveries, but whilst one part of the church persecuted would be scientists, other whole churches were encouraging advancement. Rome may have opposed the printing press, but in northern Europe, the church embraced it. New thought was welcomed, Newton’s theories were by no means decried and mapping of the earth and so many other enterprises in astronomy, chemistry, and biology pressed forward. Here is a picture from a church in Rome, St Maria Degli Angeli.

In 1702, Pope inaugurated a sundial on the floor of the church, the so-called Linea Clementina. It was designed by Francesco Bianchini, and its function was to check the validity of the new Gregorian calendar. This was especially important as regards the date of the Spring Equinox since the date of Easter depended on it. The new science of astronomy and mathematics was used to design it.
Time we embraced within our churches and our liturgies, some of the current spectacular discoveries and scientific thought. How about a litany for all the stages of evolution and the critters on whose lives our development rests? After all, we already have the theology in place, as Paul said to the Athenians, “For in him we live, and move and have our being.” In other words, we are not separate from the creator, but an expression of Him/Her. Evolution is not over, we are part of the story. From inanimate to conscious, from conscious to self-conscious and from self-conscious to spiritual being. That’s quite a story to be told.